Merge "Update to Ansible 2.4"

This commit is contained in:
Zuul 2018-06-07 15:02:25 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit ec3b204b8e
2 changed files with 160 additions and 94 deletions

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ gear>=0.9.0,<1.0.0

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this software. If not, see <>.
ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.0',
ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
'status': ['stableinterface'],
'supported_by': 'core'}
@ -79,6 +79,12 @@ options:
- if command warnings are on in ansible.cfg, do not warn about this particular line if set to no/false.
required: false
version_added: "2.4"
- Set the stdin of the command directly to the specified value.
required: false
default: null
- If you want to run a command through the shell (say you are using C(<), C(>), C(|), etc), you actually want the M(shell) module instead.
The C(command) module is much more secure as it's not affected by the user's environment.
@ -123,7 +129,6 @@ import traceback
import threading
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, heuristic_log_sanitize
from ansible.module_utils.pycompat24 import get_exception, literal_eval
from ansible.module_utils.six import (
@ -134,7 +139,7 @@ from ansible.module_utils.six import (
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import map, reduce
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import map, reduce, shlex_quote
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_bytes, to_text
LOG_STREAM_FILE = '/tmp/console-{log_uuid}.log'
@ -187,7 +192,8 @@ def follow(fd, log_uuid):
# Taken from ansible/module_utils/ ... forking the method for now
# so that we can dive in and figure out how to make appropriate hook points
def zuul_run_command(self, args, zuul_log_id, check_rc=False, close_fds=True, executable=None, data=None, binary_data=False, path_prefix=None, cwd=None, use_unsafe_shell=False, prompt_regex=None, environ_update=None, umask=None, encoding='utf-8', errors='surrogate_or_strict'):
def zuul_run_command(self, args, zuul_log_id, check_rc=False, close_fds=True, executable=None, data=None, binary_data=False, path_prefix=None, cwd=None,
use_unsafe_shell=False, prompt_regex=None, environ_update=None, umask=None, encoding='utf-8', errors='surrogate_or_strict'):
Execute a command, returns rc, stdout, and stderr.
@ -232,25 +238,38 @@ def zuul_run_command(self, args, zuul_log_id, check_rc=False, close_fds=True, ex
strings on python3, use encoding=None to turn decoding to text off.
shell = False
if isinstance(args, list):
if use_unsafe_shell:
args = " ".join([pipes.quote(x) for x in args])
shell = True
elif isinstance(args, (binary_type, text_type)) and use_unsafe_shell:
shell = True
elif isinstance(args, (binary_type, text_type)):
# On python2.6 and below, shlex has problems with text type
# On python3, shlex needs a text type.
if PY2:
args = to_bytes(args, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
elif PY3:
args = to_text(args, errors='surrogateescape')
args = shlex.split(args)
if not isinstance(args, (list, binary_type, text_type)):
msg = "Argument 'args' to run_command must be list or string"
self.fail_json(rc=257, cmd=args, msg=msg)
shell = False
if use_unsafe_shell:
# stringify args for unsafe/direct shell usage
if isinstance(args, list):
args = " ".join([shlex_quote(x) for x in args])
# not set explicitly, check if set by controller
if executable:
args = [executable, '-c', args]
elif self._shell not in (None, '/bin/sh'):
args = [self._shell, '-c', args]
shell = True
# ensure args are a list
if isinstance(args, (binary_type, text_type)):
# On python2.6 and below, shlex has problems with text type
# On python3, shlex needs a text type.
if PY2:
args = to_bytes(args, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
elif PY3:
args = to_text(args, errors='surrogateescape')
args = shlex.split(args)
# expand shellisms
args = [os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(x)) for x in args if x is not None]
prompt_re = None
if prompt_regex:
if isinstance(prompt_regex, text_type):
@ -263,10 +282,6 @@ def zuul_run_command(self, args, zuul_log_id, check_rc=False, close_fds=True, ex
except re.error:
self.fail_json(msg="invalid prompt regular expression given to run_command")
# expand things like $HOME and ~
if not shell:
args = [os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(x)) for x in args if x is not None]
rc = 0
msg = None
st_in = None
@ -315,7 +330,7 @@ def zuul_run_command(self, args, zuul_log_id, check_rc=False, close_fds=True, ex
clean_args = []
is_passwd = False
for arg in to_clean_args:
for arg in (to_native(a) for a in to_clean_args):
if is_passwd:
is_passwd = False
@ -329,7 +344,7 @@ def zuul_run_command(self, args, zuul_log_id, check_rc=False, close_fds=True, ex
is_passwd = True
arg = heuristic_log_sanitize(arg, self.no_log_values)
clean_args = ' '.join(pipes.quote(arg) for arg in clean_args)
clean_args = ' '.join(shlex_quote(arg) for arg in clean_args)
if data:
st_in = subprocess.PIPE
@ -353,9 +368,9 @@ def zuul_run_command(self, args, zuul_log_id, check_rc=False, close_fds=True, ex
kwargs['cwd'] = cwd
except (OSError, IOError):
e = get_exception()
self.fail_json(rc=e.errno, msg="Could not open %s, %s" % (cwd, str(e)))
except (OSError, IOError) as e:
self.fail_json(rc=e.errno, msg="Could not open %s, %s" % (cwd, to_native(e)),
old_umask = None
if umask:
@ -363,13 +378,13 @@ def zuul_run_command(self, args, zuul_log_id, check_rc=False, close_fds=True, ex
t = None
fail_json_kwargs = None
ret = None
if self._debug:
self.log('Executing: ' + clean_args)
# ZUUL: Replaced the excution loop with the zuul_runner run function
# ZUUL: Replaced the execution loop with the zuul_runner run function
cmd = subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs)
if self.no_log:
t = None
@ -378,7 +393,61 @@ def zuul_run_command(self, args, zuul_log_id, check_rc=False, close_fds=True, ex
t.daemon = True
ret = cmd.wait()
# ZUUL: Our log thread will catch the output so don't do that here.
# # the communication logic here is essentially taken from that
# # of the _communicate() function in
# stdout = b('')
# stderr = b('')
# # ZUUL: stderr follows stdout
# rpipes = [cmd.stdout]
# if data:
# if not binary_data:
# data += '\n'
# if isinstance(data, text_type):
# data = to_bytes(data)
# cmd.stdin.write(data)
# cmd.stdin.close()
# while True:
# rfds, wfds, efds =, [], rpipes, 1)
# stdout += self._read_from_pipes(rpipes, rfds, cmd.stdout)
# # ZUUL: stderr follows stdout
# # stderr += self._read_from_pipes(rpipes, rfds, cmd.stderr)
# # if we're checking for prompts, do it now
# if prompt_re:
# if and not data:
# if encoding:
# stdout = to_native(stdout, encoding=encoding, errors=errors)
# else:
# stdout = stdout
# return (257, stdout, "A prompt was encountered while running a command, but no input data was specified")
# # only break out if no pipes are left to read or
# # the pipes are completely read and
# # the process is terminated
# if (not rpipes or not rfds) and cmd.poll() is not None:
# break
# # No pipes are left to read but process is not yet terminated
# # Only then it is safe to wait for the process to be finished
# # NOTE: Actually cmd.poll() is always None here if rpipes is empty
# elif not rpipes and cmd.poll() is None:
# cmd.wait()
# # The process is terminated. Since no pipes to read from are
# # left, there is no need to call select() again.
# break
# ZUUL: If the console log follow thread *is* stuck in readline,
# we can't close stdout (attempting to do so raises an
# exception) , so this is disabled.
# cmd.stdout.close()
# cmd.stderr.close()
rc = cmd.wait()
# Give the thread that is writing the console log up to 10 seconds
# to catch up and exit. If it hasn't done so by then, it is very
@ -390,14 +459,7 @@ def zuul_run_command(self, args, zuul_log_id, check_rc=False, close_fds=True, ex
if t.isAlive():
console.addLine("[Zuul] standard output/error still open "
"after child exited")
console.addLine("[Zuul] Task exit code: %s\n" % ret)
# ZUUL: If the console log follow thread *is* stuck in readline,
# we can't close stdout (attempting to do so raises an
# exception) , so this is disabled.
# cmd.stdout.close()
# cmd.stderr.close()
console.addLine("[Zuul] Task exit code: %s\n" % rc)
# ZUUL: stdout and stderr are in the console log file
# ZUUL: return the saved log lines so we can ship them back
stdout = b('').join(_log_lines)
@ -405,28 +467,26 @@ def zuul_run_command(self, args, zuul_log_id, check_rc=False, close_fds=True, ex
stdout = b('')
stderr = b('')
rc = cmd.returncode
except (OSError, IOError):
e = get_exception()
except (OSError, IOError) as e:
self.log("Error Executing CMD:%s Exception:%s" % (clean_args, to_native(e)))
fail_json_kwargs=dict(rc=e.errno, msg=str(e), cmd=clean_args)
except Exception:
e = get_exception()
# ZUUL: store fail_json_kwargs and fail later in finally
fail_json_kwargs = dict(rc=e.errno, msg=to_native(e), cmd=clean_args)
except Exception as e:
self.log("Error Executing CMD:%s Exception:%s" % (clean_args, to_native(traceback.format_exc())))
fail_json_kwargs = dict(rc=257, msg=str(e), exception=traceback.format_exc(), cmd=clean_args)
# ZUUL: store fail_json_kwargs and fail later in finally
fail_json_kwargs = dict(rc=257, msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc(), cmd=clean_args)
if t:
with Console(zuul_log_id) as console:
if t.isAlive():
console.addLine("[Zuul] standard output/error still open "
"after child exited")
if ret is None and fail_json_kwargs:
ret = fail_json_kwargs['rc']
elif ret is None and not fail_json_kwargs:
ret = -1
console.addLine("[Zuul] Task exit code: %s\n" % ret)
if ret == -1 and not fail_json_kwargs:
self.fail_json(rc=ret, msg="Something went horribly wrong during task execution")
if fail_json_kwargs:
# we hit an exception and need to use the rc from
# fail_json_kwargs
rc = fail_json_kwargs['rc']
console.addLine("[Zuul] Task exit code: %s\n" % rc)
if fail_json_kwargs:
@ -454,25 +514,23 @@ def zuul_run_command(self, args, zuul_log_id, check_rc=False, close_fds=True, ex
return (rc, stdout, stderr)
def check_command(commandline):
arguments = { 'chown': 'owner', 'chmod': 'mode', 'chgrp': 'group',
'ln': 'state=link', 'mkdir': 'state=directory',
'rmdir': 'state=absent', 'rm': 'state=absent', 'touch': 'state=touch' }
commands = { 'hg': 'hg', 'curl': 'get_url or uri', 'wget': 'get_url or uri',
'svn': 'subversion', 'service': 'service',
'mount': 'mount', 'rpm': 'yum, dnf or zypper', 'yum': 'yum', 'apt-get': 'apt',
'tar': 'unarchive', 'unzip': 'unarchive', 'sed': 'template or lineinfile',
'dnf': 'dnf', 'zypper': 'zypper' }
become = [ 'sudo', 'su', 'pbrun', 'pfexec', 'runas' ]
warnings = list()
def check_command(module, commandline):
arguments = {'chown': 'owner', 'chmod': 'mode', 'chgrp': 'group',
'ln': 'state=link', 'mkdir': 'state=directory',
'rmdir': 'state=absent', 'rm': 'state=absent', 'touch': 'state=touch'}
commands = {'hg': 'hg', 'curl': 'get_url or uri', 'wget': 'get_url or uri',
'svn': 'subversion', 'service': 'service',
'mount': 'mount', 'rpm': 'yum, dnf or zypper', 'yum': 'yum', 'apt-get': 'apt',
'tar': 'unarchive', 'unzip': 'unarchive', 'sed': 'template or lineinfile',
'dnf': 'dnf', 'zypper': 'zypper'}
become = ['sudo', 'su', 'pbrun', 'pfexec', 'runas', 'pmrun']
command = os.path.basename(commandline.split()[0])
if command in arguments:
warnings.append("Consider using file module with %s rather than running %s" % (arguments[command], command))
module.warn("Consider using file module with %s rather than running %s" % (arguments[command], command))
if command in commands:
warnings.append("Consider using %s module rather than running %s" % (commands[command], command))
module.warn("Consider using %s module rather than running %s" % (commands[command], command))
if command in become:
warnings.append("Consider using 'become', 'become_method', and 'become_user' rather than running %s" % (command,))
return warnings
module.warn("Consider using 'become', 'become_method', and 'become_user' rather than running %s" % (command,))
def main():
@ -481,14 +539,14 @@ def main():
# hence don't copy this one if you are looking to build others!
module = AnsibleModule(
_raw_params = dict(),
_uses_shell = dict(type='bool', default=False),
chdir = dict(type='path'),
executable = dict(),
creates = dict(type='path'),
removes = dict(type='path'),
warn = dict(type='bool', default=True),
environ = dict(type='dict', default=None),
_uses_shell=dict(type='bool', default=False),
warn=dict(type='bool', default=True),
zuul_log_id = dict(type='str'),
@ -500,9 +558,13 @@ def main():
creates = module.params['creates']
removes = module.params['removes']
warn = module.params['warn']
environ = module.params['environ']
stdin = module.params['stdin']
zuul_log_id = module.params['zuul_log_id']
if not shell and executable:
module.warn("As of Ansible 2.4, the parameter 'executable' is no longer supported with the 'command' module. Not using '%s'." % executable)
executable = None
if args.strip() == '':
module.fail_json(rc=256, msg="no command given")
@ -534,15 +596,14 @@ def main():
warnings = list()
if warn:
warnings = check_command(args)
check_command(module, args)
if not shell:
args = shlex.split(args)
startd =
rc, out, err = zuul_run_command(module, args, zuul_log_id, executable=executable, use_unsafe_shell=shell, encoding=None, environ_update=environ)
rc, out, err = zuul_run_command(module, args, zuul_log_id, executable=executable, use_unsafe_shell=shell, encoding=None, data=stdin)
endd =
delta = endd - startd
@ -552,18 +613,23 @@ def main():
if err is None:
err = b('')
cmd = args,
stdout = out.rstrip(b("\r\n")),
stderr = err.rstrip(b("\r\n")),
rc = rc,
start = str(startd),
end = str(endd),
delta = str(delta),
changed = True,
warnings = warnings,
zuul_log_id = zuul_log_id
result = dict(
if rc != 0:
module.fail_json(msg='non-zero return code', **result)
if __name__ == '__main__':