Fix dynamic loading of trusted layouts

There were special circumstances under which we would return a trusted
config layout as a valid dynamic layout update. Specifically if there
were existing layout errors in code unrelated to the trusted config
update we would fall through error handling such that the trusted config
would be returned.

Fix this by recording the trusted and untrusted layouts as separate
variables so that we can very clearly switch through our state cases and
be clear that we never return the trusted_layout. Instead of there is a
trusted_layout update that would otherwise be accepted we return the
current pipeline config.

Part of the fix here is to write out a "switch" table that clearly lists
and handles all known possible cases. If we hit an unknown case we
return an error. Hopefully by being extra clear about our intent we
avoid unexpected behavior like this in the future.

Story: 2005452
Change-Id: I095819bf2288b4101352badfaf0e0fa8062c2829
This commit is contained in:
Clark Boylan 2019-04-13 13:12:12 -07:00
parent dac1ad5d73
commit 41b6b0ea33
1 changed files with 99 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -436,6 +436,25 @@ class PipelineManager(object):
canceled = True
return canceled
def _findRelevantErrors(self, item, layout):
parent_layout = None
parent = item.item_ahead
while not parent_layout and parent:
parent_layout = parent.layout
parent = parent.item_ahead
if not parent_layout:
parent_layout = item.pipeline.tenant.layout
relevant_errors = []
for err in layout.loading_errors.errors:
econtext = err.key.context
if ((err.key not in
parent_layout.loading_errors.error_keys) or
(econtext.project == and
econtext.branch == item.change.branch)):
return relevant_errors
def _loadDynamicLayout(self, item):
# Load layout
# Late import to break an import loop
@ -445,17 +464,12 @@ class PipelineManager(object):
self.log.debug("Loading dynamic layout")
parent_layout = None
parent = item.item_ahead
while not parent_layout and parent:
parent_layout = parent.layout
parent = parent.item_ahead
if not parent_layout:
parent_layout = item.pipeline.tenant.layout
(trusted_updates, untrusted_updates) = item.includesConfigUpdates()
build_set = item.current_build_set
trusted_layout_verified = False
trusted_layout = None
trusted_errors = False
untrusted_layout = None
untrusted_errors = False
# First parse the config as it will land with the
# full set of config and project repos. This lets us
@ -463,71 +477,103 @@ class PipelineManager(object):
# actually run with that config.
if trusted_updates:
self.log.debug("Loading dynamic layout (phase 1)")
layout = loader.createDynamicLayout(
trusted_layout = loader.createDynamicLayout(
if not len(layout.loading_errors):
trusted_layout_verified = True
trusted_errors = len(trusted_layout.loading_errors) > 0
# Then create the config a second time but without changes
# to config repos so that we actually use this config.
if untrusted_updates:
self.log.debug("Loading dynamic layout (phase 2)")
layout = loader.createDynamicLayout(
untrusted_layout = loader.createDynamicLayout(
untrusted_errors = len(untrusted_layout.loading_errors) > 0
# Configuration state handling switchboard. Intentionally verbose
# and repetetive to be exceptionally clear that we handle all
# possible cases correctly. Note we never return trusted_layout
# from a dynamic update.
# No errors found at all use dynamic untrusted layout
if (trusted_layout and not trusted_errors and
untrusted_layout and not untrusted_errors):
self.log.debug("Loading dynamic layout complete")
return untrusted_layout
# No errors in untrusted only layout update
elif (not trusted_layout and
untrusted_layout and not untrusted_errors):
self.log.debug("Loading dynamic layout complete")
return untrusted_layout
# No errors in trusted only layout update
elif (not untrusted_layout and
trusted_layout and not trusted_errors):
# We're a change to a config repo (with no untrusted
# config items ahead), so just use the current pipeline
# layout.
if not len(layout.loading_errors):
return item.queue.pipeline.tenant.layout
if len(layout.loading_errors):"Configuration syntax error in dynamic layout")
if trusted_layout_verified:
# The config is good if we include config-projects,
# but is currently invalid if we omit them. Instead
# of returning the whole error message, just leave a
# note that the config will work once the dependent
# changes land.
msg = "This change depends on a change "\
"to a config project.\n\n"
msg += textwrap.fill(textwrap.dedent("""\
The syntax of the configuration in this change has
been verified to be correct once the config project
change upon which it depends is merged, but it can not
be used until that occurs."""))
return None
# Find a layout loading error that match
# the current item.change and only report
# if one is found.
relevant_errors = []
for err in layout.loading_errors.errors:
econtext = err.key.context
if ((err.key not in
parent_layout.loading_errors.error_keys) or
(econtext.project == and
econtext.branch == item.change.branch)):
if relevant_errors:
return None
"Configuration syntax error not related to "
"change context. Error won't be reported.")
self.log.debug("Loading dynamic layout complete")
return item.queue.pipeline.tenant.layout
# Untrusted layout only works with trusted updates
elif (trusted_layout and not trusted_errors and
untrusted_layout and untrusted_errors):"Configuration syntax error in dynamic layout")
# The config is good if we include config-projects,
# but is currently invalid if we omit them. Instead
# of returning the whole error message, just leave a
# note that the config will work once the dependent
# changes land.
msg = "This change depends on a change "\
"to a config project.\n\n"
msg += textwrap.fill(textwrap.dedent("""\
The syntax of the configuration in this change has
been verified to be correct once the config project
change upon which it depends is merged, but it can not
be used until that occurs."""))
return None
# Untrusted layout is broken and trusted is broken or not set
elif untrusted_layout and untrusted_errors:
# Find a layout loading error that match
# the current item.change and only report
# if one is found.
relevant_errors = self._findRelevantErrors(item,
if relevant_errors:
return None
"Configuration syntax error not related to "
"change context. Error won't be reported.")
return untrusted_layout
# Trusted layout is broken
elif trusted_layout and trusted_errors:
# Find a layout loading error that match
# the current item.change and only report
# if one is found.
relevant_errors = self._findRelevantErrors(item,
if relevant_errors:
return None
"Configuration syntax error not related to "
"change context. Error won't be reported.")
# We're a change to a config repo with errors not relevant
# to this repo. We use the pipeline layout.
return item.queue.pipeline.tenant.layout
raise Exception("We have reached a configuration error that is"
"not accounted for.")
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Error in dynamic layout")
item.setConfigError("Unknown configuration error")
return None
return layout
def _queueUpdatesConfig(self, item):
while item: